Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle
Steam curing vehicle



In the aerated block production line, the autoclaved curing section is a crucial link that directly impacts the quality and performance of the final product. The following provides a detailed introduction to the bridge trolley, also known as the autoclave trolley or steam curing trolley, from several aspects:

I. Definition and Function of Bridge Trolley

The bridge trolley, a specialized transportation vehicle in the production process of aerated concrete, primarily operates on tracks before and after the autoclave. Its primary function is to transport cut aerated block embryos from one end of the production line into the autoclave for steam curing. Upon completion of the curing process, it conveys the finished products out of the autoclave to the finished product storage yard. The design of the bridge trolley is adapted to the high-temperature, high-pressure environment within the autoclave, ensuring no jamming or deformation during transportation.

II. Structure and Composition of Bridge Trolley

The bridge trolley primarily comprises the following parts:

  • Frame: The frame serves as the main structure of the trolley, typically constructed from steel profiles, offering excellent rigidity and stability. The upper part of the frame is equipped with a bottom plate guiding device, facilitating the swift and convenient placement of bottom plates.

  • Wheel Assembly: A crucial part of the trolley, the wheel assembly includes wheels, axles, and bearings. The wheel surfaces undergo quenching treatment for durability. The internal structure is specially designed to ensure that the bearings remain smoothly rolling and reliable even under the high-temperature, high-pressure environment within the autoclave.

  • Other Auxiliary Devices: Such as guide wheels and limiting devices, which ensure the trolley operates smoothly on the tracks, preventing derailment or collisions.

III. Working Process of Bridge Trolley

The bridge trolley's working process in the autoclaved curing section of the aerated block production line is outlined below:

  • Marshalling and Loading: The bridge trolleys are arranged sequentially on the incoming track. The semi-finished product lifting device places the cut aerated block embryos flat on the trolleys. Once marshalled, the trolleys are pulled into the bridge area in front of the autoclave by the incoming winch.

  • Crossing and Entering the Autoclave: After connecting the bridge device between the tracks inside and outside the autoclave, the bridge trolleys enter the autoclave through the bridge device. During this process, stability is crucial to avoid collisions or tilting.

  • Steam Curing: The aerated block embryos undergo steam curing in the autoclave for a specified duration, achieving the required strength and performance.

  • Exiting the Autoclave and Unloading: After curing, the autoclave door is opened, and the bridge trolleys return to the outgoing track via the bridge device. On the outgoing track, the finished products are unloaded from the trolleys and transported to the storage yard.

  • Returning and Cycling: Upon completion of one round, the bridge trolleys return to the incoming track to prepare for the next cycle.

IV. Maintenance and Servicing of Bridge Trolley

Regular maintenance and servicing are essential to ensure the smooth operation of bridge trolleys in the aerated block production line and extend their service life. Key aspects include:

  • No-Load Test Run: Newly arrived or overhauled bridge trolleys undergo a no-load test run on the incoming track to verify stable and anomaly-free operation.

  • Bearing Cleaning and Oil Change: Bearings, a vital component, require periodic cleaning and lubrication oil replacement. It is generally recommended to clean and change the oil every two months, using No. 1 colloidal graphite grease as the lubricant.

  • Replacement of Vulnerable Parts: Vulnerable parts (e.g., wheels, bearings) should be promptly replaced upon discovery of damage or severe wear to maintain production efficiency and product quality.

  • Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Besides routine maintenance, regular inspections of the bridge trolley are necessary, including checking wheel wear, bearing operation status, and frame integrity, to ensure the trolley remains in good condition.

In conclusion, the bridge trolley plays a vital role in the autoclaved curing section of the aerated block production line. Its structural design and workflow are meticulously planned and optimized to ensure seamless line operation and stable quality enhancement of the products.
